Sunday, September 17, 2006

Face on a tree...

A famous tree emerged in Kampong Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang, West Malaysia, that have people and the media running to see and cover the story. Natural or not, this maybe an indication of something and passers-by are told not to stare at the face in the Pinang tree for long....
Notices put up to stop people from praying from the tree...
The notices state that any act of abnormal worshipping is against Section 3(1) of the Syariah Criminal Offence Enactment 1996.The notices also state that those who worship any man, animal or thing in contravention of the Syariah Laws can be fined up to RM3,000 or jailed up to two years, or both.The notices also state that the department can seize the object from the owner and have it destroyed even if no one is convicted of the offence.

The face above probably will only last for 2 weeks

Such an incident, known as “inflorescent” in botany circles, is an arrangement of flowers on a stem, and due to folding, could branch out in the form of a face or other forms.

Universiti Sains Malaysia academician Prof Dr Chan Ngai Weng, a hydrologist, said in an interview here yesterday: “We often see photos on the Internet of plants that seem to feature unique images of animal or human motifs. In my professional opinion, they are merely coincidences in nature.”

On the claim that the “face” changed daily, Dr Chan said this could be due to the weather.
“For instance, the frond will expand on a wet day when its water content is high while the reverse happens on a dry day,” he explained.

Someone already stole the roots of the tree

Sources and Pictures: The Star and New Straits Time Newspapers

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