Monday, May 08, 2006

Pu-ni, the West Coast of Borneo

History of the Sung Dynasty (960-1279)

The country is situated in the south-western, 45 days from Java, Palembang (San-bo-tsai), 40 days and from Champa 30 days.

There are 10,000 souls living in this town and it rules over 14 different places. The house in which the king lives is covered with palm leaves adn the cottages of the people are covered with grass.

In 977, the King Hiang-ta, sent three envoys to bring as tribute of Camphor, tortise shells and elephant tusks. In 1082 King Sri Madja (Maharadja) sent again an envoy.

History of Ming Dynasty (1368-1643)

In 1370 Emperor send as envoys to Pu-ni. The king is called Maha Mosa, was haugty and did not show them any politeness. At that time the country had been loundered by those of sulu so that it was weak and poor and the king excused himself on this account, asking permission to bring tribute after 3 years.

Now this country had hitherto belonged to Java... By 1373, Puni envoys went together with the Chinese back to the imperaial court. In 1375, the Emperor ordered that the mountains and streams fo this country to be included in the sacrifices to the mountain and streams fo the province of Fukien.

In the year 1405, the King Maradja Kala sent envoys and bring tribute to China. The Emperor granted him the title of King of Puni and gave him a seal, a commission and silks of various coulours. In 1412, Hia-wang came to court with his mother.

During the Wan-li (1573-1619AD), the King of Puni died without posterity, his relatives fought for the throne and there was a great war in the country... a daughter of the late king was put on the throne.

- taken from WP Groeneveldt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If during Wanli Period (1573-1619), the the Sultans reigning during that time are:
7) Saiful Rizal (r.1533-1581)
8) Shah Brunei (r.1581-1582)
9) Md. Hassan (r.1582-1598)
10) Abdul J. Akbar (r.1598-1659)

The Queen who ruled Brunei at that could probably be Raja Dungu, the daughter of Saiful Rizal who thought before the birth that Raja Dungu was a boy. Raja Dungu was married to Pg. Bendahara Pg. Mohammad and their son became Sultan Abdul Mubin, 13th in the genelogy (r.1661-1673)