Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Why Doctors should not take patient's blood

Last week I had an emergency and the doctor in charge wanted to take a sample of my blood. The way he took my blood really worry me, he keep pulling the syringe but no blood was flowing full in the syringe. He wanted to reinsert the syringe and I told him he better let the nurse take it.

The experienced nurse took my blood from the back of my palm and everything was fine and I was comfortable with her. Over an hour later, I was cleared of any poison and was allowed to go back (though I had to fill in the "refused to be admitted against doctor's advice"...

A day later, i noticed the ugly bruise on my arm, where the doctor had poke with the syringe and its getting uglier everyday... I wonder did he damanged my nerve or something?


IngSiang said...

My granny can't walk anymore thanks to the doctor who damaged her spinal column(by damaging one of the vein, and then the blood clot damaged the nerves). brunei doctors, sigh...

Anonymous said...

wow, really? did you sue?